Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Islington United Church Page 1 of 1 122-1994 ISLINGTON UNITED CHURCH ONTARIO, CANADA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 25 Voices – 32 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Expressive) 16' Contra Gamba 61 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' Gamba 12 " 8' Lieblich Gedeckt (Metal)* 61 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Lieblich Gedeckt 12 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV) 244 " 16' Corno di bassetto 12 " 8' Corno di bassetto 61 " 8' Tuba (Solo) Harp (Swell) Chimes (Swell) Tremulant Great Octave SWELL (II - Expressive) 16' Bourdon* 12 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason 61 " 8' Echo Gamba 61 " 8' Vox Angelica 61 " 8' Gemshorn (St. Diapason Bass) 49 " 4' Octave 12 " 4' Flute 61 " 4' Gemshorn 12 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 22/ 3' Nazard (From Chimney Flute) 2' Piccolo 12 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 2' Mixture (III-V) 246 " 16' Posaune 61 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Hautboy 61 " 8' Vox Humana (In Solo Box)** 61 " 4' Clarion 12 " Harp (In Solo Box) 61 Generators Chimes (TC in Solo Box) 32 " Tremulant Swell Sub Octave Swell Nominal Pitch Off Swell Octave SOLO (II – Enclosed Separately within Swell Box) 16' Double Tuba (TC) 8' Tuba (15" wind, hooded) 61 Pipes 4' Tuba Clarion PEDAL 32' Resultant 32' Contra Gamba (In Swell Box) 32 Generators 16' Open Wood (In Great Box)* 32 Pipes 16' Sub Bass (In Great Box)* 32 " 16' Contra Gamba (Great) 8' Open Diapason (Great) 8' Flute (Great) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Fifteenth (Great) 4' Flute (Great) 32' Contra Posaune (In Swell Box) 32 Generators 16' Ophicleide (In Swell Box) 32 Pipes 16' Posaune (Swell) 16' Corno di bassetto (Great) 8' Octave Posaune (Swell) 4' Corno di bassetto (Great) *Pipes from former organ. **With separate Tremulant and adjustable enclosure. COUPLERS Swell to Great (Octave reading through) Great to Pedal (Super Octave reading through) Swell to Pedal (Super Octave reading through) Great to Swell Note: Percussions and Solo division are not affected by any couplers. MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 16 Memories. ■ 33 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 5 Reversibles. ■ Programmable piston range.