Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Star of the Sea Church Page 1 of 1 84-1981 STAR OF THE SEA CHURCH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 19 Voices – 27 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GRAND-ORGUE (I) 16' Bourdon (TC) 49 Pipes 8' Montre 61 " 8' Flûte Conique 61 " 8' Flûte à Cheminée (Metal) 61 " 4' Prestant 61 " 2⅔'' Cornet (II – TC) 98 " 2' Doublette 61 " 1⅓'' Fourniture (V) 305 " 8' Trompette 61 " Recit au Grand Orgue 16' Recit au Grand Orgue 8' RÉCIT EXPRESSIF (II) 8' Viole 61 Pipes 8' Voix Céleste 49 " 8' Bourdon 61 " 4' Flûte à Fuseau 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 11/ 3' Larigot 61 " 1' Cymbale (IV) 244 " 8' Chalumeau 61 " Tremblant Recit au Recit 16' Recit au Recit 4' PÉDALE 16' Soubasse (Wood) 32 Pipes 8' Montre 32 " 8' Bourdon 12 " 4' Prestant 12 " 2' Doublette 12 " 16' Bombarde (Extend G - O) 12 " 4' Chalumeau (Récit) Grand Orgue au Pédale 8' Recit au Pédale 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 22 Pistons & toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.