SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Santa Clara Church Page 1 of 1 98-1985 SANTA CLARA CHURCH OXNARD, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 16 Voices – 19 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Expressive) 8' Principal (In Display) 61 Pipes 8' Concert Flute 61 " 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Zauberflöte 61 " 2' Super Octave 61 " 11/3' Mixture (III-IV Ranks) 232 " 8' Trumpet 61 " Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Viola 61 " 8' Céleste (TC) 49 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Koppelflöte 61 " 2' Nachthorn 61 " 11/3' Kleinnasat 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " 8' Trumpet (Great) Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Sub Bass (Wood) 32 Pipes 8' Bass (Metal) 32 " 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Octave Bass 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Trumpet (Extend Great) 12 " 8' Trumpet (Great) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 28 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 3 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.