Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Joseph’s Church Page 1 of 1 95-1984 ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH PINOLE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 12 Voices – 16 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Enclosed with Swell) 16' Bourdon (Swell and Pedal) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Rohrflöte (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Bourdon (Extend Swell) 12 " 2' Gemshorn 61 " 2⅔' Sesquialtera (II) 122 " 1⅓' Mixture (II-III) 162 " Swell to Great 8' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Voix Celeste (II) 122 " 4' Principal (Great) 4' Rohrflöte 61 " 4' Voix Celeste (II) 2⅔' Nazard (Great Sesquialtera) 2' Octave (Extend Great) 12 " 2' Bourdon (Great) 1⅓' Larigot (Great Sesquialtera) 1' Gemshorn (Great) 16' Bassoon 12 " 8' Bassoon 61 " Tremulant NAVE (I – Expressive) 8' Diapason 12 Pipes 8' Salicional 61 " 8' Holzgedeckt 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Flute 12 " 2' Fifteenth 12 " PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Unenclosed) 12 Pipes 8' Principal (Great) 8' Bourdon (Swell) 4' Principal (Great) 4' Rohrflöte (Great) 2⅔' Rauschquint (Nazard and Gemshorn) 16' Bassoon 8' Bassoon Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Three mutually exclusive combination pistons with indicator lights that select either the tilting tablet stop controls or one of two sets of “free” combination pull knob stop controls. Swell/Nave Expression Selector System. NOTE This organ, originally built for Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco, was moved in 2008 to St. Joseph’s Church and combined with its original organ, Schoenstein Opus 48 of 1950. . Continue to Plum.