Schoenstein Stop Lists

Brigham Young University - Idaho Page 1 of 1 186-2025 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY - IDAHO REXBURG, IDAHO Four Manual and Pedal Organ 11 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II) 16' Viole Sourdine (TC – Choir) 8' Diapason 61 Pipes 4' Gemshorn 61 " SWELL (III – Enclosed) 8' Violin Diapason 61 Pipes 4' Spire Flute 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " CHOIR (I - Enclosed) 8' Lieblich Gedeckt 61 Pipes 8' Viole Sourdine 61 " 8' Viole Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Viole Sourdine (Ext.) 12 " 2⅔' Nazard (From Lieblich Gedeckt) SOLO (IV – Enclosed) 8' Viol d’Orchestre 61 Pipes 8' Clarinet 61 " PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Extend Choir) 12 Pipes 8' Salicional 32 " 8' Lieblich Gedeckt (Choir) 4' Choral Bass (Great Diapason) 2' Flute (Swell) 4' Oboe (Swell) COUPLERS Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Choir to Pedal 8' Solo to Pedal 8' Swell to Great 8' Choir to Great 8' Choir to Great 4' Solo to Great 8' Swell to Choir 8' Solo to Choir 8' Choir to Swell 8' Solo to Swell 8' CONSOLE 1. Four manual and pedal console built to match the proportions of the organ in Barrus Concert Hall. 2. Adjustable music rack and bench. 3. Keyboards, pistons (91 total, 16 with LEDs), and toe studs (35) to match the Ruffatti organ in Barrus Concert Hall. 4. Four balanced expression pedals: Choir, Swell, and two “spares.” 5. Crescendo Pedal. 6. Manual I/II Reverse. 7. Solid State Combination Action with 5,000 assignable, lockable memory levels with backup and level indicator. Programmable piston range for each memory folder. 8. Piston Sequencer. 9. Combination action on/off selector with audible pistons. 10. Record/Playback system. 11. Pedal light.