Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Mary, Queen of the Universe Page 2 of 3 175.2019 SOLO (IV – Enclosed) 16' Tibia Clausa 85 Pipes (1-12 Pedal Bourdon) 8' Phonon Diapason 73 " 8' Symphonic Flute 61 " 8' Tibia Clausa 8' Concert Flute 73 " 8' Gamba 85 " 8' Gamba Celeste 61 " 8' Viol d’Orchestre 73 " 8' Viol Celeste 73 " 8' Gallery Strings (VIII) 4' Octave 4' Piccolo (Tibia) 4' Flute (Concert Flute) 4' Gambette (Gamba) 4' Viol Celeste (II - Violes) 22/3' Twelfth (Tibia) 2' Fifteenth (Gamba) 2' Piccolo (Tibia) 13/5' Tierce (Tibia) 16' Corno di Bassetto 73 " 8' Tuba Horn 61 " 8' French Horn 61 " 8' Corno di Bassetto 8' Vox Humana† 61 " 8' Tuben (III - Swell) Tremulant Variable Tremulant †Separate Tremulant – Slow p/Fast f Solo 16' Solo Unison Off Solo 4' 8' Tuba Magna 61 " 8' Grand Harmonic Trumpet (Gallery) Gallery on Solo Positive on Solo POSITIVE (Unenclosed - Floating) 8' Salicional 61 Pipes 8' Lieblich Gedeckt 61 " 4' Salicet 12 " 4' Lieblich Flute 12 " 2' Fifteenth 12 " GALLERY – (Floating) Unenclosed Stops 16' Double Diapason 12 Pipes (Extend Diapason No.2) 8' Open Diapason No.1 61 " 8' Open Diapason No.2 61 " 4' Octave (Extend Diapason No.2) 12 " Enclosed Stops 16' Bass Viol† (Ext. Viola Pomposa) 12 " 8' Viola Pomposa 73 " 8' Viola Celeste 73 " 8' Gamba Celeste (II)†† 129 " 8' Violin 73 " 8' Violin Celeste 68 " 8' Voix Serénissime (II)†† 129 " 4' Violina† (From Viola Pomposa) 8' Grand Harmonic Trumpet† 61 " †Not affected by Intramanual couplers on manuals I, II, III and IV. ††Unison 73, Celeste (TC) 56 PEDAL (Enclosed) 32' Open Metal (Unenclosed) 32 Pipes 32' Resultant 16' Open Wood 32 " 16' Open Metal (Unenclosed) 12 16' Double Open Diapason (Great) 16' Diaphone (Solo) 12 " (Extend Phonon Diapason) 16' Diapason (Gallery) 16' Violone 32 " 16' Bourdon 32 " 16' Aeoline (Choir) 16' Bass Viol (Gallery) 16' Lieblich Bourdon (Swell) 8' Principal 32 " 8' Bourdon 12 " 8' Tibia Clausa (Solo) 8' Violone 12 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Fifteenth 32 " 4' Flute (Great) 2' Mixture mf (IV-V Choir) 32' Cornet (Derived)