Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Cathedral of St. Philip Page 1 of 2 171-2017 THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. PHILIP CHAPEL ORGAN ATLANTA, GEORGIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 14 Voices — 16 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 16' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Open Diapason 61 Pipes 8' Horn Diapason (Swell) 8' Gamba (Swell) 8' Gamba Celeste (Swell) 8' Silver Flute (Swell) 8' Chimney Flute (Swell) 4' Principal 61 " 4' Chimney Flute (Swell) 2' Fifteenth (Swell) 2' Mixture (III - Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 8' Clarinet (Swell) Great 16' Great Unison Off Great†† 4' PEDAL 32' Resultant 16' Sub Bass (Bourdon Treble) 27 Pipes 16' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Principal (Great – Open Diapason) 8' Horn Diapason (Swell) 8' Gamba (Swell) 8' Chimney Flute (Swell) 4' Fifteenth (Great – Open Diapason) 4' Silver Flute (Swell) 16' Contra Oboe (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 8' Oboe (Swell) 8' Clarinet (Swell) 4' Oboe (Swell) 4' Clarinet (Swell) SWELL (II - Expressive) 16' Bourdon (Extend Chimney Flute) 12 Pipes 8' Horn Diapason 61 " 8' Gamba† 61 " 8' Gamba Celeste (TC)† 49 " 8' Silver Flute (Chimney Flute Bass) 49 " 8' Chimney Flute 61 " 4' Gemshorn 61 " 4' Chimney Flute 12 " 22/3' Nazard (From Chimney Flute) 2' Fifteenth (Extend Gemshorn) 12 " 13/5' Tierce (TC) 42 " 2' Mixture (III)†† 166 " 16' Contra Oboe 12 " 8' Trumpet† 61 " 8' Oboe Horn 61 " 8' Clarinet 61 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell†† 4' †Stops under Double Expression ††Mixture cut out with coupler COUPLERS Great to Pedal Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal Swell to Pedal 4' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great Swell to Great 4'