Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 3 of 4 139-2003 PERCUSSIONS Harp on Choir 61 Generators Celesta on Choir 61 Generators Orchestral Harp on Solo 61 Generators Orchestral Bells on Choir 37 Generators Celestial Chimes on Solo 32 Generators Les Cloches de Hinckley on Great 32 Generators Tower Chimes on Pedal 32 Generators Cymbelstern on Great 1 Generator Percussion stops except Les cloches de Hinckley couple with and are controlled by the pistons of their respective divisions. SPECIAL COUPLERS Pedal Tutti to Swell Pedal Tutti to Choir Great Tutti to Solo Pedal Divide 12/13 Pedal Divide 17/18 Pedal Divide 20/21 Swell to Great Sforzando Solo to Great Sforzando Grand Solo off Solo Grand Solo on Great Grand Solo on Swell Grand Solo on Choir Note: ■ Pedal Divide deactivates Pedal coupler notes 1-12 and Pedal stop notes 13-32, etc. ■ Sforzando couplers activated by toe lever. ■ MIDI coupler to each keyboard. INTRAMANUAL COUPLERS Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' Choir 16' Choir Unison Off Choir 4' Solo 16' Solo Unison Off Solo 4' Orchestral 16' Orchestral Unison Off Orchestral 4' INTERMANUAL COUPLERS Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Swell to Pedal 4' Choir to Pedal Choir to Pedal 4' Solo to Pedal Solo to Pedal 4' Orchestral to Pedal Orchestral to Pedal 4' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great Swell to Great 4' Choir to Great 16' Choir to Great Choir to Great 4' Solo to Great 16' Solo to Great Solo to Great 4' Orchestral to Great 16' Orchestral to Great Orchestral to Great 4' Swell to Choir 16' Swell to Choir Swell to Choir 4' Solo to Choir Orchestral to Choir Orchestral to Solo Solo to Orchestral COMBINATIONS (99 Memory Levels) General 0, 1-20 1-5 and 11-15 duplicated by toe studs 1-3, 5-7, and 13-15 duplicated on right side of keyboards Great 0, 1-8 Swell 0, 1-8 Choir 0, 1-8 Solo 0, 1-8 Orchestral 0, 1-8 Pedal 0, 1-8 0, 1-7 duplicated by toe studs Notes: ■ Divisional pistons affect all couplers to divisions. ■ Programmable piston sequencer. Next and Review thumb pistons. Next and Review functions also can be programmed to operate on any piston or group of pistons. Indicator light to show piston sequencer in operation. ■ Pedal combinations on manual pistons optional. Pedal combinations on manual pistons to independent of Pedal combinations on Pedal pistons.