SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Spring Valley United Methodist Church Page 1 of 2 134-1999 SPRING VALLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DALLAS, TEXAS Three Manual and Pedal Organ 27 Voices – 34 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II - Expressive) 16' Contra Gamba* 12 Pipes 8' Grand Open Diapason† 61 " 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Gamba* 61 " 8' Gamba Celeste (TC)* 49 " 8' Major Flute (Metal, Harmonic)† 61 " 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Chimney Flute (Metal) 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Tuba* 61 " 8' Clarinet 61 " Tremulant Great 16' Great Unison Off Great 4' Chimes (Walker Digital) *Stops in separate enclosure inside Great box on 10" wind pressure. †Stops in display. SWELL (III - Expressive) 16' Bourdon (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason (Wood) 12 " 8' Salicional 61 " 8' Unda-Maris (TC) 49 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Salicet 12 " 4' Harmonic Flute 61 " 22/ 3' Twelfth (TC - From Nineteenth) 2' Flageolet 61 " 13/ 5' Seventeenth (TC) 42 " 11/ 3' Nineteenth 54 " 2' Mixture (III-V)* 269 " 16' Contra Fagotto* 61 " 8' Trumpet* 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " 4' Clarion* 61 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' *Stops in separate enclosure inside Swell box on 5" wind pressure. PEDAL 32' Resultant 16' Open Diapason (Wood) 12 " 16' Bass Flute (Metal) 12 " 16' Contra Gamba (Great) 16' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Principal 32 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Bourdon (Swell) 4' Fifteenth 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Ophicleide (Extend Tuba) 12 " 16' Contra Fagotto (Swell) 8' Tuba (Great) 4' Clarinet (Great) SOLO (I) Great Stops on Solo 8' Grand Open Diapason 8' Major Flute 8' Gamba 8' Gamba Celeste 8' Tuba 8' Clarinet Swell Stops on Solo 8' Stopped Diapason 8' Salicional 4' Salicet 22/ 3' Twelfth 2' Flageolet 13/ 5' Seventeenth 11/ 3' Nineteenth 8' Oboe Percussion Stops on Solo Harp (Walker Digital) Cymbelstern Couplers on Solo Solo 16' Solo Unison Off Solo 4'