SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church Page 2 of 2 133-1999 GALLERY ORGAN Existing Instrument by Holtkamp GALLERY GREAT 8' Principal 8' Gedeckt 4' Octave 2' Flöte Sesquialtera (II) 11/ 3' Mixture (III) 8' Trumpet GALLERY SWELL (Expressive) 8' Gemshorn 8' Copula 4' Rohrflöte 2' Octave 11/ 3' Larigot 1/ 2' Scharf (III) 8' Cromorne Tremulant GALLERY PEDAL 16' Pommer 8' Octave 8' Flute 4' Choral Bass 4' Flauto 16' Fagott COUPLERS Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Swell to Pedal 4' Choir to Pedal Choir to Pedal 4' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great Swell to Great 4' Choir to Great 16' Choir to Great Choir to Great 4' Swell to Choir 16' Swell to Choir Swell to Choir 4' Great to Choir Gallery Great on Great Gallery Great on Swell Gallery Great on Choir Gallery Swell on Great Gallery Swell on Swell Gallery Swell on Choir All Swells to Swell Note: Floating Gallery organ couples fully with all division couplers. MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 16 Memories. ■ 62 Pistons and toe studs. ■ Programmable piston range. ■ 12 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal. Pedal board elevator.