New Organs of our Second Century
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Presbyterian Community Church Page 1 of 1 81-1979, 81A-1993, 81B-1994 PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 18 Voices – 21 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 16' Bourdon & Flute (TC) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Harm. Flute (Rohrbordun Bass) 44 " 8' Rohrbordun 61 " 8' Erzähler 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Pommer 61 " 2' Super Octave 61 " 2' Mixture (IV) 244 " Swell 16' Swell 8' Swell 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Stopped Diapason 68 Pipes 8' Viola Pomposa 68 " 8' Viola Celeste 68 " 4' Spitzprincipal 68 " 2' Octavin 68 " 11/ 3' Larigot 68 " 16' Bassoon & Oboe 12 " 8' Trompette 68 " 8' Bassoon & Oboe 68 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Subbass 32 Pipes 8' Octave 32 " 8' Flöte 12 " 4' Choralbass 12 " 16' Bassoon (Swell) 8' Bassoon (Swell) 4' Oboe (Swell) Great 8' Swell 8' Swell 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 27 Pistons & toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Star of the Sea Church Page 1 of 1 84-1981 STAR OF THE SEA CHURCH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 19 Voices – 27 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GRAND-ORGUE (I) 16' Bourdon (TC) 49 Pipes 8' Montre 61 " 8' Flûte Conique 61 " 8' Flûte à Cheminée (Metal) 61 " 4' Prestant 61 " 2⅔'' Cornet (II – TC) 98 " 2' Doublette 61 " 1⅓'' Fourniture (V) 305 " 8' Trompette 61 " Recit au Grand Orgue 16' Recit au Grand Orgue 8' RÉCIT EXPRESSIF (II) 8' Viole 61 Pipes 8' Voix Céleste 49 " 8' Bourdon 61 " 4' Flûte à Fuseau 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 11/ 3' Larigot 61 " 1' Cymbale (IV) 244 " 8' Chalumeau 61 " Tremblant Recit au Recit 16' Recit au Recit 4' PÉDALE 16' Soubasse (Wood) 32 Pipes 8' Montre 32 " 8' Bourdon 12 " 4' Prestant 12 " 2' Doublette 12 " 16' Bombarde (Extend G - O) 12 " 4' Chalumeau (Récit) Grand Orgue au Pédale 8' Recit au Pédale 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 22 Pistons & toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist Page 1 of 1 87-1981 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST APTOS, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 6 Voices – 6 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL (I – Expressive) 8' Schöngedeckt 61 Pipes 8' Gemshorn (Schöngedeckt Bass) 49 " 4' Prestant 61 " 2' Blockflöte 61 " 1⅓' Larigot (AA) 45 " 8' Hautbois 61 " Tremulant DUPLEX MANUAL (II) 8' Schöngedeckt 8' Gemshorn 4' Prestant 2' Blockflöte 11/ 3' Larigot (AA) 8' Hautbois PEDAL 16' Bordun (Extend Schöngedeckt) 12 Pipes Coupler – Manual I Coupler – Manual II MECHANICALS Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 88-1982, 88A-1983 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 10 Voices – 13 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - In Display) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Flute 61 " 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viole (Swell) 8' Viole Celeste (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 2' Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Trumpet (Swell) Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon (Metal) 61 Pipes 8' Viole 61 " 8' Viole Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Spitzprincipal 61 " 2' Sifflöte 61 " 16' Bass Trumpet 12 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 4' Clarion Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Subbass (Extend Flöte) 12 Pipes 8' Flöte (Bourdon Treble) 12 " 8' Spitzbass (Extend Spitzprincipal) 12 " 16' Bass Trumpet (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 15 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Our Lady of Lourdes Church Page 1 of 1 89-1982, 89A-1983 OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 24 Voices – 29 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Gedeckt† 61 " 8' Gemshorn† 61 " 8' Celeste (TC)† 49 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Koppelflöte† 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Festival Trumpet 61 " Tremulant† †Stops under Expression SWELL (II – Expressive) 8' Viola Pomposa 61 Pipes 8' Viola Celeste (TC) 49 " 8' Chimney flute 61 " 4' Prestant 61 " 4' Pommer 61 " 22/ 3' Nazard 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 1' Cymbale (III) 183 " 16' Bassoon 61 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Oboe 12 " 4' Clarion 61 " Tremulant PEDAL 32' Resultant 16' Diapason (Metal) 32 Pipes 16' Bourdon 32 " 16' Gemshorn 12 " 8' Octave 12 " 8' Flute 12 " 4' Choralbass 32 " 16' Posaune 32 " 4' Bassoon (Swell) COUPLERS Great to Great 16' Great Unison Off Great to Great 4' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Swell to Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell to Swell 4' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 27 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Joseph’s Basilica Page 1 of 1 90-1982, 90A-1983 ST. JOSEPH’S BASILICA ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA Three Manual and Pedal Organ 26 Voices – 31 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 16' Pommer (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Principal 61 " 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 " 8' Dulciana 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Pommer 24 " 2' Super Octave 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Trumpet 61 " Tremulant SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Viola Pompose 61 Pipes 8' Viola Céleste 49 " 8' Rohrflöte 61 " 4' Prestant 61 " 2' Blockflöte 61 " 1⅓' Larigot 61 " 1' Scharf (III) 183 " 16' Bassoon 61 " 8' Oboe 12 " 4' Rohrschalmei 61 " Tremulant POSITIV ORGAN (61 Notes) 8' Flauto Continuo (Wood) 61 Pipes 4' Spitzflöte 61 " 2⅔' Quinte 61 " 2' Sifflöte 61 " 1⅗' Tcrz 61 " 8' Tromba di Basilica 61 " Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN (32 Notes) 16' Contra Bass 32 Pipes 16' Sub Bass 32 " 16' Pommer (Great) 8' Octave 32 " 8' Flute (Great) 4' Choral Bass 12 " 16' Contra Trumpet 12 " 4' Bassoon (Swell) COUPLERS Swell to Swell 16' Swell to Swell 4' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Positiv to Great 8' Swell to Positiv 8' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Positiv to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 30 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 92-1982 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS CAMARILLO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 10 Voices – 13 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Spitzflöte 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 2' Mixture (IV Ranks) 244 " Great to Great 4' Swell to Great16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon (Metal) 61 Pipes 8' Viole Pompose 61 " 8' Viole Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Spitzprincipal 61 " 2' Sifflöte 61 " 8' Trompette 61 " Tremulant Swell to Swell 16' Swell to Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Subbass (Wood – Extend Flöte) 12 Pipes 8' Spitzbass (Extend Swell) 12 " 8' Flöte (Wood – Swell Bourdon Treble) 12 " 8' Spitzflöte (Great) 4' Spitzflöte (Great) 16' Contre Trompette (Extend Swell) 12 " 4' Trompette (Swell) Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 General pistons. ■ Full Organ Reversibles. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Private Residence Page 1 of 1 83-1983 PRIVATE RESIDENCE ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Two Manual and Pedal Organ 10 Voices – 12 Ranks Mechanical Action Encased with Attached Console MANUAL I (61 Notes) 8' Spitzflöte (Kammergedeckt Bass) 49 Pipes 4' Prinzipal (Display in Tin) 61 " 2' Mixtur (II-III) 151 " Manual II to Manual I MANUAL II (61 Notes) 8' Kammergedeckt 61 Pipes 4' Rohrschelle 61 " 2' Flachflöte 61 " 1⅓' Nazat (TF) 44 " Tremulant PEDAL (32 Notes – Concave and Radiating) 16' Subbass 32 Pipes 8' Spitzoktave 32 " 4' Holzregal 32 " Manual II to Pedal Manual I to Pedal
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Mark’s-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church Page 1 of 1 86-1983 ST. MARK’S-IN-THE-VALLEY EPISCOPAL CHURCH LOS OLIVOS, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 19 Voices – 22 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Gedecktflöte (Metal) 61 " 8' Spitzflöte 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Harmonic Flute (Metal) 61 " 2⅔' Octave Quint 61 " 2' Super Octave 61 " 1⅗' Tierce 61 " 1⅓' Mixture (III – IV) 232 " Tremulant (Flutes) Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' SWELL (II – Expressive) 8' Viola Pomposa 61 Pipes 8' Viola Celeste (TC) 49 " 8' Rohrflöte 61 " 4' Prestant 61 " 2' Blockflöte 61 " 11/ 3' Larigot 61 " 16' Bassoon 61 " 8' Trompette 61 " 8' Oboe (Extend Bassoon) 12 " Tremulant Swell to Swell 16' Swell to Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Principal 32 Pipes 16' Bourdon 32 " 8' Octave 12 " 8' Flute (Swell) 8' Spitzflöte (Great) 4' Super Octave 12 " 4' Flute (Swell) 16' Contre Trompette (Extend Swell) 12 " 4' Bassoon (Swell) Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 22 Pistons & toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Page 1 of 1 91-1983, 91A-1991 HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 20 Voices – 28 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 16' Gedeckt (TC - Swell) 8' Principal (Tin) 61 Pipes 8' Flöte (Wood & Metal) 61 " 8' Gemshorn (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 2' Sifflöte 61 " 1⅓' Mixtur (IV) 244 " 8' Trompete 61 " SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Gemshorn (Gedeckt Bass) 49 Pipes 8' Gemshorn Celeste (TC) 49 " 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 " 4' Principal 61 " 2' Nachthorn 61 " 22/ 3' Sesquialtera (II) 98 " 8' Fagott 61 " Tremulant POSITIV (Floating Division) 8' Rohrflöte (Metal) 61 Pipes 4' Portunal 61 " 2' Principal 61 " 1' Zimbel (III Ranks) 183 " 8' Rohr Schalmei 61 " PEDAL 16' Subbass (Great) 12 Pipes 8' Spitzoctave 32 " 8' Gedeckt (Swell) 4' Choralbass (Pedal) 12 " 2⅔' Rauschmixtur (III) 96 " 16' Kontra Trompete (Great) 12 " 8' Fagott (Swell) 4' Rohr Schalmei (Positiv) COUPLERS Great to Great 4' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Positiv to Great 8' Swell to Swell 4' Positiv to Swell 8' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Positiv to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action: ■ 22 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. First Presbyterian Church Page 1 of 1 93-1984 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SAN ANSELMO, CALIFORNIA Chancel Organ Two Manual and Pedal Organ 22 Voices – 29 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action HAUPTWERK (I) 8' Prinzipal 61 Pipes 8' Rohrbordun (Wood) 61 " 4' Oktave 61 " 22/ 3' Quinte 61 " 2' Kleinoktave 61 " 13/ 5' Terz 61 " 11/ 3' Mixtur (III-IV) 226 " 8' Herald Trumpet (Gallery Organ) EXPRESSIV (II) 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 Pipes 8' Spitzflöte (II) 110 " 4' Prinzipal 61 " 4' Spillflöte 61 " 2' Oktave 61 " 11/ 3' Nasat 61 " 1' Scharf (III) 183 " 16' Regal 61 " 8' Schalmey 61 " 4' Klarine 61 " 8' Herald Trumpet (Gallery Organ) Tremulant Unison Off PEDAL 16' Subbass (Wood and Metal) 32 Pipes 8' Spitzoktave 32 " 8' Gedeckt (Expressiv) 4' Choralflöte 32 " 4' Gedeckt (Expressiv) 22/ 3' Rauschmixtur (II Ranks) 64 " 16' Fagott 32 " 4' Regal (Expressiv) COUPLERS Expressiv to Hauptwerk Sub Octave Expressiv to Hauptwerk Hauptwerk to Pedal Expressiv to Pedal MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 21 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal. NOTE: This instrument is also controlled by the three- manual console of an Æolian-Skinner organ in the Gallery.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Joseph’s Church Page 1 of 1 95-1984 ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH PINOLE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 12 Voices – 16 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Enclosed with Swell) 16' Bourdon (Swell and Pedal) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Rohrflöte (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Bourdon (Extend Swell) 12 " 2' Gemshorn 61 " 2⅔' Sesquialtera (II) 122 " 1⅓' Mixture (II-III) 162 " Swell to Great 8' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Voix Celeste (II) 122 " 4' Principal (Great) 4' Rohrflöte 61 " 4' Voix Celeste (II) 2⅔' Nazard (Great Sesquialtera) 2' Octave (Extend Great) 12 " 2' Bourdon (Great) 1⅓' Larigot (Great Sesquialtera) 1' Gemshorn (Great) 16' Bassoon 12 " 8' Bassoon 61 " Tremulant NAVE (I – Expressive) 8' Diapason 12 Pipes 8' Salicional 61 " 8' Holzgedeckt 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Flute 12 " 2' Fifteenth 12 " PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Unenclosed) 12 Pipes 8' Principal (Great) 8' Bourdon (Swell) 4' Principal (Great) 4' Rohrflöte (Great) 2⅔' Rauschquint (Nazard and Gemshorn) 16' Bassoon 8' Bassoon Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Three mutually exclusive combination pistons with indicator lights that select either the tilting tablet stop controls or one of two sets of “free” combination pull knob stop controls. Swell/Nave Expression Selector System. NOTE This organ, originally built for Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco, was moved in 2008 to St. Joseph’s Church and combined with its original organ, Schoenstein Opus 48 of 1950. . Continue to Plum.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Page 1 of 1 97-1984, 97A-1989, 97B-2013 ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Chapel Organ 3 Voices – 3 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL I 8' Principal (Stopped Flute Bass) 8' Stopped Flute 56 Pipes 8' Open Flute (TC) 4' Principal 56 " 4' Stopped Flute 12 " 4' Open Flute 56 " 2' Open Flute 12 " 11/ 3' Open Flute MANUAL II 8' Stopped Flute 8' Open Flute (TC) 4' Principal 4' Stopped Flute 4' Open Flute 2⅔' Open Flute 2' Open Flute Tremulant PEDAL 16' Stopped Flute (Extend I) 12 Generators 8' Stopped Flute 4' Principal 4' Open Flute
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 96-1985 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS LOS ANGELES (WESTWOOD), CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 12 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL (I - Expressive) 8' Principal (In Display) 61 Pipes 8' Bourdon 61 " 8' Spitzviole 61 " 8' Spitzviole Celeste 49 " 4' Prestant 61 " 4' Koppelflöte 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 1⅓' Mixture (III-IV Ranks) 232 " 8' Trumpet 61 " Tremulant DUPLEX MANUAL (II) 8' Bourdon 8' Spitzviole 8' Spitzviole Celeste 4' Prestant 4' Koppelflöte 2' Flageolet 8' Trumpet Coupler Sub Octaves Coupler Super Octaves PEDAL 16' Contrabass (Extend Principal) 12 Pipes 16' Subbass (Extend Bourdon) 12 " 8' Principal 8' Bourdon 8' Spitzviole 4' Prestant 4' Koppelflöte 16' Contra Trumpet (Ext. Trumpet) 12 " 8' Trumpet COUPLERS Duplex Manual II to Manual I 16' Duplex Manual II to Manual I Duplex Manual II to Manual I 4' Manual I to Pedal Duplex Manual II to Pedal MECHANICALS Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 General pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Santa Clara Church Page 1 of 1 98-1985 SANTA CLARA CHURCH OXNARD, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 16 Voices – 19 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Expressive) 8' Principal (In Display) 61 Pipes 8' Concert Flute 61 " 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Zauberflöte 61 " 2' Super Octave 61 " 11/3' Mixture (III-IV Ranks) 232 " 8' Trumpet 61 " Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Viola 61 " 8' Céleste (TC) 49 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Koppelflöte 61 " 2' Nachthorn 61 " 11/3' Kleinnasat 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " 8' Trumpet (Great) Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Sub Bass (Wood) 32 Pipes 8' Bass (Metal) 32 " 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Octave Bass 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Trumpet (Extend Great) 12 " 8' Trumpet (Great) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 28 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 3 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. First Church of Christ, Scientist Page 1 of 1 99-1985 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST BELVEDERE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Nachthorn 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " Tremulant Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Viola 61 " 8' Celeste 49 " 4' Prestant 61 " 11/ 3' Plein Jeu (III Ranks) 183 " 8' Flügelhorn 61 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Extend Swell) 12 Pipes 8' Principal (Great) 8' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Nachthorn (Great) 8' Flügelhorn (Swell) 4' Flügelhorn (Swell) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 General pistons. ■ 2 Reversible toe studs including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Stone Church of Willow Glen Page 1 of 1 100-1985 STONE CHURCH OF WILLOW GLEN SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 14 Voices – 16 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Spitzviole (Borrow Swell) 8' Gedeckt (Borrow Swell) 4' Nachthorn 61 " 2⅔' Quinte 61 " 2' Gemshorn 61 " 1⅗' Terz (Prepared) 8' Trumpet (Borrow Swell) Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Spitzviole 61 Pipes 8' Céleste (T.C.) 49 " 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 " 4' Principal 61 " 2' Hohlflöte 61 " 1⅓' Mixture (III) 183 " 8' Trumpet 61 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Wood) 32 Pipes 8' Flöte (Metal) 32 " 8' Gedeckt (Borrow Swell) 4' Choralbass 32 " 4' Gedeckt (Borrow Swell) 16' Contra Trumpet (Extend Swell) 12 " 8' Trumpet (Borrow Swell) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid-State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 8 General piston. ■ 3 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Elizabeth’s Church Page 1 of 1 94-1986 ST. ELIZABETH’S CHURCH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 17 Voices – 21 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action HAUPTWERK (I) 16' Spitzbass (TC to G – Pedal) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Spitzflöte 61 " 4' Oktave 61 " 4' Pommer 61 " 2' Portunal 61 " 11/ 3' Mixtur (III-V) 257 " 8' Trompete 61 " Hauptwerk 4' POSITIV (II - Expressive) 8' Gemshorn (Gedeckt Bass) 49 Pipes 8' Gemshorn Céleste (TC) 49 " 8' Gedeckt 61 " 4' Coppel 61 " 2⅔' Nasat 61 " 2' Oktave 61 " 1⅗' Tcrz (AA) 47 " 8' Cremone 61 " Tremulant Positiv 16' Positiv 4' PEDAL 16' Bordun 32 Pipes 16' Spitzflöte (Extend Hauptwerk) 12 " 8' Spitzbass 32 " 8' Gedeckt (Positiv) 4' Choraloktave (Extend Pedal) 12 " 16' Trompete (Extend Hauptwerk) 12 " 4' Cremone (Positiv) COUPLERS Positiv to Hauptwerk 16' Positiv to Hauptwerk 8' Positiv to Hauptwerk 4' Hauptwerk to Pedal 8' Positiv to Pedal 8' Positiv to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 25 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Bardsdale United Methodist Church Page 1 of 1 101-1986, 101A-1993 BARDSDALE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FILLMORE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 10 Voices – 12 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Open Diapason 61 Pipes 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Principal (In Swell Box) 61 " 4' Nachthorn (Swell) 2' Flageolet (Swell) 11/ 3' Mixture (II-III – Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) Chimes 21 Tubes SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Stopped Diapason (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Viola 61 " 8' Celeste (TC) 37 " 4' Nachthorn 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (II-III) 168 " 16' Trumpet (TC) 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Oboe (TC) 44 " Tremulant PEDAL 16' Subbass (Ext. Stopped Diapason) 12 Pipes 8' Open Diapason (Great) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 8' Viola (Swell) 4' Principal (Great) 4' Nachthorn (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 4' Oboe (Swell) MECHANICALS Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Page 1 of 1 102-1986, 102A-1994 ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH TUCSON, ARIZONA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 8 Voices – 8 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL I 8' Stopped Diapason 61 Pipes 8' Viola (Stopped Diapason Bass) 49 " 8' Spire Flute (Stopped Diapason Bass) 4' Principal 61 " 4' Spire Flute 61 " 22/ 3' Quint (TC) 2' Flageolet 61 " 11/ 3' Quint 54 " 8' Bassoon 61 " Tremulant MANUAL II 8' Stopped Diapason (I) 8' Viola (I) 8' Celeste (TC) 37 Pipes 4' Principal (I) 4' Spire Flute (I) 22/ 3' Nazard (I – Extend Spire Flute) 7 " 2' Flageolet (I) 11/ 3' Quint (I) 16' Bassoon (TC - I) 8' Bassoon (I) PEDAL 16' Subbass (Ext. Stopped Diapason) 12 Pipes 8' Stopped Diapason (I) 4' Principal (I) 4' Spire Flute (I) 2' Flageolet (I) 8' Bassoon (I) MECHANICALS Entire organ under expression except Subbass. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 103-1986 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SALT LAKE WASATCH VALLEY STAKE, UTAH Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL I 8' Prestant 61 Pipes 8' Bourdon (Wood) 61 " 8' Viole 61 " 8' Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Spitzprincipal 61 " 4' Nachthorn 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 1' Mixture (III) 183 " 8' Trumpet 61 " Manual I 4' MANUAL II 8' Bourdon (Manual I) 8' Viole (Manual I) 8' Céleste (Manual I) 4' Spitzprincipal (Manual I) 4' Nachthorn (Manual I) 2' Flageolet (Manual I) 1' Mixture (III - Manual I) 8' Trumpet (Manual I) Tremulant Manual II 16' Manual II 4' PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Extend Manual I) 12 Pipes 8' Prestant (Manual I) 8' Bourdon (Manual I) 8' Viole (Manual I) 4' Prestant (Manual I) 4' Nachthorn (Manual I) 16' Trumpet (Extend Manual I) 12 " 8' Trumpet (Manual I) 4' Trumpet (Manual I) COUPLERS Manual II to Manual I 16' Manual II to Manual I 8' Manual II to Manual I 4' Manual I to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Entire organ under expression except Prestant in display. Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 10 General pistons. ■ Full Organ Reversible. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Saints Peter and Paul Church Page 1 of 1 104-1987, 104A-1989 SAINTS PETER AND PAUL CHURCH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 25 Voices – 30 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT ORGAN (I - Expressive) 16' Spire Flute (TC) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Harmonic Flute (Metal) 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 8' Spire Flute 61 " 8' Unda Maris (TC) 49 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV Ranks) 244 " 16' Bassoon (Swell) 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Cremone 61 " Great 4' SWELL ORGAN (II - Expressive) 8' Stopped Diapason (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Gamba 61 " 8' Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Harmonic Flute (Metal) 61 22/ 3' Nazard 61 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 1' Mixture (III Ranks) 183 " 16' Bassoon 61 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Bassoon & Oboe 12 " 8' Vox Humana 61 " 4' Clarion 80 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant (Prepared) 16' Contra Bass (Wood) 32 Pipes 16' Bourdon (Wood) 32 " 8' Bass (Great) 8' Flute (Great) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Octave Bass (Swell) 4' Octave Flute (Great) 2' Super Octave (Swell) 1' Fife (Swell) 32' Contra Bassoon (Extend Swell – Elect.) 16' Trombone (Extend Great) 12 " 16' Bassoon (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 8' Bassoon (Swell) 4' Oboe (Swell) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 28 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Denis Church Page 1 of 1 105-1987 ST. DENIS CHURCH MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 8 Voices – 10 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL I 8' Prestant 61 Pipes 8' Stopped Diapason 61 " 8' Gemshorn (St. Diapason Bass) 49 " 4' Prestant 12 " 4' Nachthorn 61 " 2' Blockflöte 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (II-III Ranks) 170 " 8' Bassoon & Oboe 61 " MANUAL II 8' Stopped Diapason (MI) 8' Gemshorn (MI) 8' Celeste (TC) 49 Pipes 4' Nachthorn (MI) 2' Blockflöte (MI) 11/ 3' Mixture (MI) 8' Bassoon & Oboe (MI) Tremulant PEDAL 16' Bourdon 12 Pipes 8' Prestant (MI) 8' Stopped Diapason (MI) 4' Prestant (MI) 4' Nachthorn (MI) 8' Bassoon (MI) MECHANICALS Entire organ under expression except Prestant and Bourdon. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Our Mother of Good Counsel Church Page 1 of 1 106-1987 OUR MOTHER OF GOOD COUNSEL CHURCH LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Choir Organ in the French Romantic Style 10 Voices – 10 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action Encased – Detached Console 1er CLAVIER, GRAND-ORGUE EXPRESSIF 16' Bourdon (Récit) 8' Montre 61 Pipes 8' Flûte harmonique 61 " 4' Prestant 61 " 2' Octavin 61 " 8' Basson-Hautbois 61 " 2e CLAVIER, RÉCIT EXPRESSIF 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Viole de gambe (Bourdon Bass) 49 " 8' Voix céleste (TC) 49 " 4' Flûte octaviante 61 " 8' Trompette 61 " 8' Basson-Hautbois (G-O) Trémolo Récit 4' CLAVIER DE PÉDALES 16' Bourdon (Extend Récit) 12 Pipes 8' Basse (G-O Flute Harmonique) 8' Bourdon (Récit) 8' Trompette (Récit) 8' Basson (G-O) 4' Basson (G-O) COUPLERS Grand-Orgue/Pédales Récit/Pédales Récit/Grand-Orgue Récit/Grand-Orgue 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 14 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 3 Reversibles including Full Organ.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 107-1987 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS PHOENIX CAMELBACK STAKE, PHOENIX, ARIZONA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL I 8' Prestant 61 Pipes 8' Bourdon & Flûte 61 " 8' Viole 61 " 8' Céleste (TC) 49 " 4' Spitzprincipal 61 " 4' Flûte 12 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 1' Mixture (III) 183 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Oboe (TC) 49 " Manual I 4' MANUAL II 8' Bourdon & Flûte (Manual I) 8' Viole (Manual I) 8' Céleste (Manual I) 4' Spitzprincipal (Manual I) 4' Flûte (Manual I) 2' Flageolet (Manual I) 1' Mixture (III – Manual I) 8' Trumpet (Manual I) 8' Oboe (Manual I Tremulant Manual II 16' Manual II 4' PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Extend Manual I) 12 Pipes 8' Prestant (Manual I) 8' Bourdon (Manual I) 8' Viole (Manual I) 4' Prestant (Manual I) 4' Flûte (Manual I) 16' Trumpet (Extend Manual I) 12 " 8' Trumpet (Manual I) 4' Oboe (Manual I) COUPLERS Manual II to Manual I 16' Manual II to Manual I 8' Manual II to Manual I 4' Manual I to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Entire organ under expression except Prestant in display. Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 15 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Carmelite Monastery of Cristo Rey Page 1 of 1 108-1987, 108A-1989 CARMELITE MONASTERY OF CRISTO REY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Choir Organ in the French Romantic Style 9 Voices – 9 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL (I - 56 Notes) Ensemble Stops 8' Bourdon 56 Pipes 8' Salicional (Bourdon Bass) 44 " 8' Unda Maris (TC) 37 " 8' Flûte Conique (Bourdon Bass) 44 " 4' Prestant 56 " 4' Flûte Conique 12 " 2' Flûte Conique 12 " Solo Stops 8' Flûte Harmonique (TC) 44 " 22/ 3' Nazard (TC) 44 " 8' Hautbois (TC) 44 " MANUAL (II - 56 Notes) Accompaniment Stops 8' Flûte Continuo (TC) 30 Pipes 8' Bourdon (I) 8' Salicional (I) 8' Unda Maris (I) 8' Flûte Conique (I) 4' Salicional (Extend Salicional) 12 " PEDAL (30 Notes) 16' Bourdon (Digital Bass - I) 8' Bourdon (I) 4' Salicional (I) 4' Prestant (I) MECHANICALS Special Combination Action with: ■ 6 Ensemble/Accompaniment pistons. ■ 6 Solo/Accompaniment pistons. Entire organ under expression.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 110-1988 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SAN FRANCISCO STAKE CENTER, SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action 1er CLAVIER, GRAND-ORGUE 16' Bourdon (Extend Récit) 12 Pipes 8' Montre 61 " 8' Flûte harmonique (Prepared) 8' Salicional (Récit) 8' Bourdon (Récit) 4' Prestant 61 " 2' Plein jeu (III) 183 " Grand-Orgue 4' 2e CLAVIER, RÉCIT EXPRESSIF 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Salicional (From Unda-Maris) 8' Unda-Maris (II) 110 " 4' Flûte octaviante 61 " 2⅔' Nazard (Prepared) 2' Octavin 61 " 8' Basson 61 " 8' Clarinette (Prepared) Tremolo Récit 16' Récit 4' Récit Annulation 8' CLAVIER DE PÉDALES 16' Soubasse (Grand-Orgue) 8' Basse (Prepared) 8' Bourdon (Récit) 4' Flûte (Prepared) 16' Basson (Extend Récit) 12 " 8' Basson (Récit) ACOUPLEMENT Récit/Grand-Orgue 16' Récit/Grand-Orgue 8' Récit/Grand-Orgue 4' Grand-Orgue/Pédales 8' Grand-Orgue/Pédales 4' Récit/Pédales 8' Récit/Pédales 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 15 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Page 1 of 1 111-1988 ST. TIMOTHY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Encased with Detached Console Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 8' Principal 12 Pipes 8' Bourdon & Flute (Swell) 8' Salicional (Swell) 4' Principal 61 " 2' Mixture (II-III) 163 " 8' Oboe (TC) 49 " Great 4' SWELL (II) 8' Bourdon & Flute† 61 Pipes 8' Salicional (Bourdon Bass) 49 " 8' Unda Maris (TC) 37 " 4' Principal (Great) 4' Flute 12 " 22/ 3' Nazard (TC) 44 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 13/ 5' Tierce (Prepared) 8' Trumpet 61 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell 4' †Stopped wood bass; harmonic open treble. PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Extend Swell) 12 Pipes 8' Principal (Great) 8' Bourdon (Swell) 4' Principal (Great) COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Entire organ under expression except Great 8' Principal Bass in display. Solid State Combination Action with: ■ 17 Pistons and toe studs. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 109-1989 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS WALNUT CREEK STAKE CENTER, DANVILLE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL (I) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Hohlflöte (Prepared) 8' Holzgedeckt (Manual II) 8' Viola da Gamba (Manual II) 4' Spitzprincipal (Manual II) 4' Nachthorn (Manual II) 2⅔' Nasat (Prepared Borrow Manual II) 2' Sifflöte (Manual II) 1' Mixture (III – Manual II) 8' Trompete (Manual II) Manual I 4' MANUAL (II – Expressive) 8' Holzgedeckt 61 Pipes 8' Viola da Gamba (From Celeste) 8' Viola Celeste (II) 110 " 4' Spitzprincipal 61 " 4' Nachthorn 61 " 2⅔' Sesquialtera (II - Prepared) 2' Sifflöte 61 " 1' Mixture (III) 183 " 8' Trompete 61 " Tremulant Manual II 16' Manual II 4' PEDAL 16' Subbass (Extend Manual II) 12 " 8' Principal (Manual I) 8' Bass (Prepared) 8' Holzgedeckt (Manual II) 4' Principal (Manual I) 4' Flöte (Prepared) 16' Bass Trompete (Extend Manual II) 12 " 8' Trompete (Manual II) COUPLERS Manual II to Manual I 16' Manual II to Manual I 8' Manual II to Manual I 4' Manual I to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 15 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal. . .
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 112-1989 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS OXNARD STAKE, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action MANUAL (I – Expressive) 8' Montre (In display) 61 Pipes 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' Bourdon & Flûte 61 " 8' Viole (From Céleste) 8' Céleste (II) 110 " 4' Principal Conique 61 " 4' Flûte 12 " 2' Flageolet 61 " 1⅓' Plein Jeu (III) 183 " 8' Trompette 61 " 8' Hautbois (TC) 49 " Manual I 4' MANUAL (II) 8' Bourdon & Flûte (Manual I) 8' Viole (Manual I) 8' Céleste (II - Manual I) 4' Principal Conique (Manual I) 4' Flûte (Manual I) 2' Flageolet (Manual I) 1⅓' Plein Jeu (III - Manual I) 8' Trompette (Manual I) 8' Hautbois (Manual I) Tremulant Manual II 16' Manual II 4' PEDAL 16' Bourdon (Extend Manual I) 12 " 8' Montre (Manual I) 8' Bourdon (Manual I) 8' Viole (Manual I) 4' Montre (Manual I) 4' Flûte (Manual I) 16' Contre Trompette (Extend Manual I)12 " 8' Trompette (Manual I) 4' Hautbois (Manual I) COUPLERS Manual II to Manual I 16' Manual II to Manual I 8' Manual II to Manual I 4' Manual I to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 8' Manual II to Pedal 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 15 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Brigham Young University Page 1 of 1 113-1989 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY PROVO, UTAH Three Manual and Pedal Studio Organ 7 Voices – 10 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II) 16' Gedeckt 8' PRINCIPAL 61 Pipes 8' HARMONIC FLUTE† 25 " 8' Salicional 8' Rohrflöte 4' PRESTANT 32 " 4' Flute 2' FIFTEENTH 24 " 2' Mixture (From Dolce and Quint) 8' Bassoon Great 4' † In Positif box POSITIF (I - Expressive) 16' Flute (TC) 8' FLUTE (Open Metal) 61 Pipes 8' DOLCE 49 " 4' ROHRFLÖTE 49 " 4' Salicional 4' Dolce 12 " 2⅔' Nazard (Extend Rohrflöte) 7 " 2' Flute 12 " 2' DOLCE 12 " 1⅓' QUINT 7 " 8' Bassoon Positif 16' Positif Unison Off Positif 4' SWELL (III - Expressive) 16' Gedeckt 8' GEDECKT 61 " 8' SALICIONAL 49 " 8' CELESTE (TC) 37 " 8' Dolce 4' Rohrflöte 4' SALICIONAL 12 " 2⅔' Quint 2' GEDECKT 24 " 2' Salicional 2' Dolce 16' Bassoon 8' BASSOON 61 " Tremulant* Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' GEDECKT 12 Generators 8' PRINCIPAL 8' Flute 8' Gedeckt 4' PRINCIPAL 4' Flute 4' Gedeckt 2' Salicional 16' BASSOON (Prepared) 8' Bassoon 4' Bassoon COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Positif to Great 8' Swell to Positif 16' Swell to Positif 8' Swell to Positif 4' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Positif to Pedal 8' Stops in CAPITALS are primary NOTES *Tremulant affects all divisions. All stops are full compass unless indicated “TC”, etc. Stops with less than a full compass of pipes employ common bass and/or treble from related stops. MECHANICALS (AUSTIN CONSOLE) 16 Generals. 14 Divisionals. 5 Cancels. 3 Reversibles including Full Organ. Manual I/II Reverse. All Swells. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Private Residence Page 1 of 1 114-1989, 114A-1995 PRIVATE RESIDENCE POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK Salon Organ in the French Romantic Style 8 Voices – 8 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action 1er CLAVIER, GRAND-ORGUE 16' Bourdon 12 Pipes 8' Montre 56 " 8' Flûte harmonique (Bourdon Bass) 32 " 8' Bourdon 56 " 4' Prestant 56 " 4' Flûte douce 56 " 2' Octavin 56 " 8' Hautbois (TG) 37 " 2e CLAVIER, RECIT 8' Montre (G-O) 8' Voix céleste (TC) 37 Pipes 8' Bourdon (G-O) 4' Flûte douce (G-O) 22/ 3' Nazard (Extend G-O Flûte douce) 7 " 2' Octavin (G-O) 8' Hautbois (G-O) Trémolo CLAVIER DE PEDALES 16' Bourdon (G-O) 8' Montre (G-O) 8' Bourdon (G-O) 4' Flûte (G-O – From Flûte Harmonique) MECHANICALS Entire organ under expression except bass of Montre.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Church of the Wayfarer Page 1 of 1 115-1991 CHURCH OF THE WAYFARER CARMEL, CALIFORNIA Three Manual and Pedal Organ 24 Voices – 32 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II) 16' Bourdon (TC – Choir) 8' Diapason 61 Pipes 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' Viola (Swell) 8' Bourdon (Choir) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Flute (Choir) 22/ 3' Grave Mixture (II) 122 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV – Choir) 8' Trumpet (Hooded) 61 " 8' Cremone (Choir) Great 4' Chimes SWELL (III – Expressive) 16' Contra Viola (Extend Viola) 12 Pipes 8' Diapason (Melodia Bass) 49 " 8' Melodia 61 " 8' Viola 61 " 8' Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Principal (Extend Diapason) 12 " 4' Harmonic Flute 61 " 2' Harmonic Piccolo 61 " 2' Full Mixture (III-V) 246 " 16' Trombone (Extend Trumpet) 12 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " 4' Clarion (Extend Trumpet) 12 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' CHOIR (I – Expressive) 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Viol Etheria (Bourdon Bass) 49 " 8' Viol Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Gemshorn 61 " 4' Flute (Extend Piccolo) 12 " 22/ 3' Nazard (TC) 49 " 2' Piccolo 61 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Cremone 61 " Tremulant Choir 16' Choir Unison Off Choir 4' PEDAL 32' Resultant 16' Sub Bass 32 Pipes 16' Contra Viola (Swell) 8' Diapason (Great) 8' Bass (Great) 8' Bourdon (Choir) 4' Octave (Great) 4' Flute (Great) 2' Piccolo (Choir) 16' Trombone (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 4' Cremone (Choir) Chimes COUPLERS Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 4' Choir to Great 16' Choir to Great 8' Choir to Great 4' Swell to Choir 16' Swell to Choir 8' Swell to Choir 4' Great to Pedal 8' Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Choir to Pedal 8' Swell to Great 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 33 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 4 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Michael’s Abbey 2022.116A ST. MICHAEL’S ABBEY SILVERADO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Choir Organ 9 Voices — 9 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GRAND – ORGUE (I) 16' Bourdon (Récit) 8' Montre 61 Pipes 8' Flûte harmonique 37 " (Bourdon Bass) 4' Prestant 61 " 4' Flûte douce (Récit) 2' Octavin (Récit) 8' Trompette (Récit) Récit/Grand-Orgue RÉCIT (II) 8' Montre (G – O) 8' Bourdon 61 " 8' Voix céleste (TC) 37 " 4' Flûte douce 61 " 2⅔' Nazard 7 " (Flûte douce) 2' Octavin 61 " 8' Trompette 61 " 8' Hautbois (TG) 35 " Trémolo PÉDALE 16' Bourdon 12 " 8' Montre (G – O) 8' Bourdon (Récit) 4' Prestant (G – O) 8' Trompette (Récit) Grand-Orgue/Pédale Récit/Pédale Twelve Combination Pistons Entire Organ Under Expression
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. First Presbyterian Church Page 1 of 2 117-1992, 117A-1999 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MEDFORD, OREGON Three Manual and Pedal Organ 28 Voices – 36 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II) 16' Salicional 61 Pipes 8' Principal 61 " 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' Bourdon (Solo) 8' Salicional 12 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Forest Flute (Solo) 22/ 3' Quint 61 " 2' Super Octave 61 " 2' Chorus Mixture (IV – Solo) 8' Tromba (Solo) 8' Clarinet (Solo) Chimes SWELL (III – Expressive) 8' Principal (Flute Bass) 49 " 8' Silver Flute 61 " 8' Viola 61 " 8' Celeste (FF) 56 " 8' Dulciana (Stopped Bass) 49 " 4' Principal 12 " 4' Lieblich Gedeckt 61 " 2' Harmonic Piccolo 61 " 2' Full Mixture (III-V) 268 " 16' Bassoon 12 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " 4' Clarion 12 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' SOLO (I – Expressive) 8' Diapason (Bourdon Bass) 49 Pipes 8' Bourdon (Wood) 61 " 8' Gemshorn (Bourdon Bass) 49 " 8' Celestiana (II) 110 " 4' Gemshorn 12 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 4' Forest Flute 61 " 22/ 3' Nazard (Extend Chimney Flute) 7 " 2' Flautino (Extend Forest Flute) 12 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 2' Chorus Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Tromba 61 " 8' Clarinet 61 " Tremulant Solo 16' Solo Unison Off Solo 4' Cymbelstern PEDAL 32' Bourdon (12 Generators) 16' Principal (Wood and Metal) 32 Pipes 16' Salicional (Great) 16' Bourdon (Wood - Extend Solo) 12 " 8' Octave 32 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Bourdon (Solo) 4' Super Octave 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Trombone (Extend Solo) 12 " 16' Bassoon (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 4' Clarinet (Solo) Chimes (Great)
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. First Presbyterian Church Page 2 of 2 117-1992, 117A-1999 COUPLERS Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Solo to Pedal 8' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Solo to Great 16' Solo to Great 8' Solo to Great 4' Swell to Solo 16' Swell to Solo 8' Swell to Solo 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 28 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 5 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Page 1 of 2 119-1993 HIGHLAND PARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WYNNE CHAPEL, DALLAS, TEXAS Three Manual and Pedal Organ 32 Voices – 37 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (West End - Manual II) SWELL (West End - Enclosed - Manual III) 16' Bourdon (Choir) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Diapason (Choir) 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' Gamba (Swell) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Chimney Flute (Swell) 22/ 3' Quint (Swell) 2' Fugara (Swell) 2' Chorus Mixture (IV - Choir) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 8' Clarinet (Choir - Celestial Solo Voices) 8' Concert Flute 8' Salicional 8' Unda-Maris 4' Orchestral Flute 8' Flügel Horn 8' Tuba Chimes (TC) 32 Generators Great 4' CHOIR (West End - Enclosed - Manual I) 16' Bourdon (Wood) 12 Pipes 8' Diapason 61 " 8' Cor de Nuit (Metal) 61 " 8' Erzähler (Cor de Nuit Bass) 49 " 8' Erzähler Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Gemshorn 61 " 2' Harmonic Piccolo 61 " 2' Chorus Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' English Oboe 61 " 8' Clarinet 56 " Tremulant Harp 61 Generators Celesta 61 " Choir 16' Choir Unison Off Choir 4' 8' Gamba 61 Pipes 8' Vox Celeste 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason (Wood) 61 " 4' Fugara 61 " 4' Chimney Flute (Metal) 61 " 22/ 3' Quint (TC) 44 " 22/ 3' Nazard (From Chimney Flute) 2' Fugara 12 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 16' Bass Trumpet 12 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' French Oboe (TC) 44 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' CELESTIAL (Chancel - Enclosed - Floating) 16' Salicional 16 Pipes 8' Concert Flute (Wood and Metal) 61 " 8' Salicional 12 " 8' Unda-Maris (FF) 54 " 8' Celestiana (II) 110 " 8' Voix Sérénissime (TC) 4' Orchestral Flute (Metal) 61 " 4' Voix Sérénissime (II) 122 " 8' Flügel Horn 61 " Tremulant Celestial 16' Celestial Unison Off Celestial 4' SOLO (Chancel - Enclosed separately inside Celestial box - Floating with Celestial) 8' Vox Humana 61 " 8' Tuba 61 " (Vox Humana withTremulant enclosed separately with pp and mf settings inside Solo box)
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Page 2 of 2 119-1993 PEDAL 32' Subbass 12 Generators 16' Subbass (Chancel) 32 Pipes 16' Bourdon (Choir) 16' Salicional (Celestial) 8' Principal (West End) 32 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Salicional (Celestial) 8' Diapason (Choir) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Principal 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Bass Trumpet (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 4' Clarinet (Choir) Chimes (Celestial) COUPLERS Great to Pedal 8' Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Choir to Pedal 8' Choir to Pedal 4' Celestial to Pedal 8' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Choir to Great 16' Choir to Great 8' Choir to Great 4' Celestial on Great Celestial on Swell Swell to Choir 16' Swell to Choir 8' Swell to Choir 4' Celestial on Choir MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 16 Memories. ■ 70 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 4 Reversibles including Full Organ. Four balanced pedals with selectors to assign four enclosed divisions and Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. University of Arizona Page 1 of 2 118-1994, 118A-1995 UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA TUCSON, ARIZONA Three Manual and Pedal Organ 27 Voices – 33 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II) 16' Bourdon (Choir) 8' Principal 61 Pipes 8' Harmonic Flute (Metal) 61 " 8' Gamba (Choir) 8' Stopped Diapason (Choir) 4' Octave 61 " 4' Chimney Flute (Choir) 2' Super Octave 61 " 2' Chorus Mixture (Choir) 8' English Trumpet (Choir) Great Nominal Pitch Off Great Super SWELL (III – Expressive) 16' Double Diapason 12 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Concert Flute (Wood - Diap.Bass) 49 " 8' Echo Gamba 61 " 8' Vox Angelica (EE) 57 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Harmonic Flute (Metal) 61 " 2⅔' Nazard (TC) 44 " 2' Harmonic Piccolo 61 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 2' Mixture (III) 183 " 16' Bass Clarinet 12 " 8' French Trumpet 61 " 8' Bassoon & Oboe (Choir) 8' Clarinet 61 " 8' Vox Humana 61 " Tremulants Swell Sub Swell Nominal Pitch Off Swell Super CHOIR (I – Expressive) 16' Bourdon (Wood) 12 Pipes 8' Gamba 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason (Wood) 61 " 8' Salicional (Stopped Diapason Bass)49 " 4' Gemshorn 61 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 2' Chorus Mixture (III-V) 281 " 8' English Trumpet 61 " 8' Bassoon & Oboe 61 " 8' Clarinet (Swell) Tremulant Choir Sub Choir Nominal Pitch Off Choir Super PEDAL 32' Resultant 16' Contra Bass (Wood & Metal) 32 Pipes 16' Double Diapason (Swell) 16' Bourdon (Choir) 8' Bass 12 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Open Diapason (Swell) 8' Stopped Diapason (Choir) 4' Octave Bass 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Trombone 32 " 16' Bass Clarinet (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Choir) 4' Clarinet (Swell)
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. University of Arizona Page 2 of 2 118-1994, 118A-1995 COUPLERS Great to Pedal Great to Pedal Super Choir to Pedal Choir to Pedal Super Swell to Pedal Swell to Pedal Super Swell to Great Sub Swell to Great Swell to Great Super Choir to Great Sub Choir to Great Choir to Great Super MECHANICALS Solid State Combination Action with: ■ 16 Memories. ■ 34 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 5 Coupler reversible including Full Organ. ■ Programmable piston range. Crescendo Pedal. ' Swell to Choir Sub Swell to Choir Swell to Choir Super Choir to Swell
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Holy Family Church Page 1 of 2 120-1994 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA Three Manual and Pedal Organ 38 Voices – 45 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II) 16' Bourdon (Wood) 61 Pipes 8' Diapason 61 " 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' ’Cello (Choir) 8' Chimney Flute (Choir) 4' Principal 61 " 4' Traverse Flute (Choir) 22/ 3' Twelfth 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 2' Chorus Mixture (Choir) 16' Trombone (Choir) 8' Tromba (Choir) 8' Corno di Bassetto (Choir) Chimes (TC – 30 Generators) SWELL (III - Expressive) 8' Principal (Stopped Diapason Bass) 49 Pipes 8' Stopped Diapason (Wood) 61 " 8' Gamba 61 " 8' Vox Angelica 61 " 4' Principal 12 " 4' Forest Flute 61 " 4' Flute d’Amour (Metal) 61 " 22/ 3' Nazard (Borrow Flute D’Amour) 2' Piccolo 12 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 2' Full Mixture (III-V) 268 " 16' Bassoon 12 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Hautboy 61 " 8' Vox Humana (with Tremulant) 61 " 4' Clarion 12 " Tremulant Sub Octave Nominal Pitch Off Super Octave CHOIR (I - Expressive) 16' Bass Viol 12 Pipes 8' ’Cello 61 " 8' Chimney Flute 61 " 8' Spire Flute (Chimney Flute Bass) 49 " 8' Unda Maris (TC) 49 " 4' Fugara 61 " 4' Traverse Flute 61 " 2' Harmonic Piccolo 61 " 2' Chorus Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Tromba 61 " 8' Corno di Bassetto 61 " Tremulant Harp (61 Generators) Sub Octave Nominal Pitch Off Super Octave CELESTIAL (I) 8' Principal† 61 Pipes 8' Bourdon & Flute† 37 " 8' Bourdon (Wood) 61 " 8' Violin† 61 " 8' Violin Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Prestant† 61 " 4' Chimney Flute (Bourdon Bass) 37 " 8' Harmonic Trumpet† 61 " 8' English Horn† 61 " Tremulant Sub Octave Nominal Pitch Off Super Octave †Also available on the Great.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Holy Family Church Page 2 of 2 120-1994 PEDAL 32' Bourdon (32 Generators) 16' Contra Bass (Wood) 32 Pipes 16' Bass Viol (Choir) 16' Bourdon (Great) 8' Diapason 32 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Bourdon (Great) 8' ’Cello (Choir) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Octave 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 32' Contra Trombone (32 Generators) 16' Trombone (Extend Choir) 12 " 16' Bassoon (Swell) 8' Tromba (Choir) 4' Corno di Bassetto (Choir) Celestial Pedal Voices 16' Sub Bass (Extend Celestial) 12 Pipes 8' Bass (Celestial) Celestial Coupler COUPLERS Swell to Great Sub Octave Swell to Great Swell to Great Super Octave Choir to Great Sub Octave Choir to Great Choir to Great Super Octave Swell to Choir Sub Octave Swell to Choir Swell to Choir Super Octave Great to Pedal Choir to Pedal Swell to Pedal Swell to Pedal Super Octave MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 16 Memories. ■ 35 Pistons and toe studs. ■ Programmable piston range. ■ 8 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal. Separate two manual and Pedal console for celestial organ. (Celestial organ and console are at the front of the church.)
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Page 1 of 1 121-1994 ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 15 Voices – 18 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Expressive) 16' Gemshorn 12 Pipes 8' Principal 61 " 8' Bourdon & Flute 61 " 8' Gemshorn 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 4' Gemshorn 12 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 2' Mixture (IV) 244 " 8' Tromba 61 " 8' Cremone (Prepared) Tremulant Great 16' Great Unison Off Great 4' SWELL (II - Expressive) 16' Gedeckt (Metal) 12 Pipes 8' Salicional 61 " 8' Unda Maris (TC) 49 " 8' Gedeckt (Extend Chimney Flute) 12 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Flute (Extend Piccolo) 12 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 22/ 3' Nazard (Chimney Flute) 2' Piccolo 61 " 13/ 5' Tierce (Prepared) 16' Bass Trumpet 12 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Oboe 61 " 4' Clarion 12 " Tremulant Swell 16' Swell Unison Off Swell 4' PEDAL 16' Diapason (Wood) 12 Pipes 16' Gemshorn (Great) 16' Gedeckt (Swell) 8' Octave 32 " 8' Bourdon (Great) 8' Gedeckt (Swell) 4' Fifteenth 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Bass Trumpet (Swell) 8' Trumpet (Swell) 4' Clarion (Swell) 4' Cremone (Great) COUPLERS Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 10 Memories. ■ 26 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 5 Reversibles including Full Organ. Cymbelstern. Crescendo Pedal.
SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Islington United Church Page 1 of 1 122-1994 ISLINGTON UNITED CHURCH ONTARIO, CANADA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 25 Voices – 32 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I - Expressive) 16' Contra Gamba 61 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Harmonic Flute 61 " 8' Gamba 12 " 8' Lieblich Gedeckt (Metal)* 61 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Lieblich Gedeckt 12 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 11/ 3' Mixture (IV) 244 " 16' Corno di bassetto 12 " 8' Corno di bassetto 61 " 8' Tuba (Solo) Harp (Swell) Chimes (Swell) Tremulant Great Octave SWELL (II - Expressive) 16' Bourdon* 12 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason 61 " 8' Echo Gamba 61 " 8' Vox Angelica 61 " 8' Gemshorn (St. Diapason Bass) 49 " 4' Octave 12 " 4' Flute 61 " 4' Gemshorn 12 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 22/ 3' Nazard (From Chimney Flute) 2' Piccolo 12 " 13/ 5' Tierce (TC) 44 " 2' Mixture (III-V) 246 " 16' Posaune 61 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Hautboy 61 " 8' Vox Humana (In Solo Box)** 61 " 4' Clarion 12 " Harp (In Solo Box) 61 Generators Chimes (TC in Solo Box) 32 " Tremulant Swell Sub Octave Swell Nominal Pitch Off Swell Octave SOLO (II – Enclosed Separately within Swell Box) 16' Double Tuba (TC) 8' Tuba (15" wind, hooded) 61 Pipes 4' Tuba Clarion PEDAL 32' Resultant 32' Contra Gamba (In Swell Box) 32 Generators 16' Open Wood (In Great Box)* 32 Pipes 16' Sub Bass (In Great Box)* 32 " 16' Contra Gamba (Great) 8' Open Diapason (Great) 8' Flute (Great) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 4' Fifteenth (Great) 4' Flute (Great) 32' Contra Posaune (In Swell Box) 32 Generators 16' Ophicleide (In Swell Box) 32 Pipes 16' Posaune (Swell) 16' Corno di bassetto (Great) 8' Octave Posaune (Swell) 4' Corno di bassetto (Great) *Pipes from former organ. **With separate Tremulant and adjustable enclosure. COUPLERS Swell to Great (Octave reading through) Great to Pedal (Super Octave reading through) Swell to Pedal (Super Octave reading through) Great to Swell Note: Percussions and Solo division are not affected by any couplers. MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 16 Memories. ■ 33 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 5 Reversibles. ■ Programmable piston range.